Objective: Improve and reform enforcement of speed limits and prosecution of violators

Equitable enforcement strategies encourage safe travel.

Enforcement Team is planning for this task.
Target Date: March 2020

A Explore and implement innovative and equitable strategies of enforcing speed limits

The Enforcement Team will look into and begin to implement data-driven methods of speed enforcement. Due to significant local opposition and current measures at the state level to ban red-light cameras; the reinstatement of a red-light camera initiative should be reviewed for potential inclusion in future Action Plans.

Enforcement Team is planning for this task.
Target Date: March 2020

B Explore and implement innovative and equitable speed limit violation prosecution strategies

The Enforcement Team will work with the Municipal Court to evaluate and implement new methods to prosecute traffic related offenses. This may include sentencing alternatives for high-risk drivers such as the Traffic Offenders Program (TOP).

Enforcement Team is planning for this task.
Target Date: March 2020